Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) targeted in racist novel

I receive the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) Report in the mail, and this article was in the most recent issue that arrived a few days ago.  I would recommend reading the article, which is scanned below in this post.  The book White Apocalypse, discussed in the article, claims that American Indians killed off White people who came to the Americas first.  While this idea is compelling if the attempt is to argue white supremacy, it is a completely false account of history.  (See White Apocalypse on for user reviews and ratings.)   The book has been self-published by the author, Kyle Bristow, with what seem to be blatant murder fantasies against Jews, Latinos, Native Americans, and the Southern Poverty Law Center itself.  What happens when organizations working against hate groups (including specific members working for those organizations) are targeted by a former hate group leader?

What scares me personally is that there is a following of people in this white nationalist movement, reading white supremacist books and getting involved in what they feel is a legitimate “truth.” With this white nationalist following comes power and respect (within certain circles) for those who have historically held…power and respect.  The patterns of historical tyranny can only perpetuate and increase with these beliefs.  Their convenient “changes” to history and their sense of superiority could teeter dangerously on politically-implicated Aryan-like ideals.  It is terrifying to me that these hateful beliefs are held by some people in our country, possibly by more than those who are vocal.  While I support freedom of thought and press, I am disgusted  by the the implications of a white power movement, especially in the instance of individuals and organizations being so violently targeted as they were in Bristow’s book.  White nationalism, to me, reeks of devastation for our country and its people, including for Americans who have truly experienced suffering and historical racism.

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1 Response to Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) targeted in racist novel

  1. Bobby says:

    The habits of thought and worldviews which entail racism are so averse to change that people would rather believe unfounded lies than to to adjust their perspectives. What we did to the Indians after we decimated them with disease was nothing short of ethnic cleansing. And the ironic punchline is that we “gave” them the right to vote in the late 1920s, after every other group in the US had suffrage. We must have the courage to confront and accept truth in order to be set free, otherwise we remain prisioners of lies and distortions, and bound up in hatred.

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